Photography AGreement

Appointment and Cancellation Policy

  • Punctuality: Please arrive on time. If you're late, your session will last only for the remaining contracted time.
  • Cancellations: Must be communicated in writing at least 48 hours before your appointment.

Fees and Retainer

  • Retainer Policy: A retainer is required only for wedding photography, sessions involving rental costs, or when a décor fee applies.
  • Travel Fee: Non-refundable, if applicable.

Limit of Liability

  • Photographic Care: Utmost care is taken with your images. In the unlikely event of loss or damage preventing delivery, retainers will be returned.
  • Photo Guarantee: While specific photo requests are welcomed, they can't be guaranteed. Our commitment is to provide quality consistent with our portfolio.
  • Retouching: Displayed work has been retouched. Additional client-requested retouching is billed at $120 per hour/image.
  • Client Responsibility: Lateness or non-photogenic factors are not the photographer's liability.

Pricing and Ordering

  • Pricing: Based on the standard price list at the contract date. Post-event orders are priced according to the most recent list.
  • Package Credits: Not redeemable for cash or as a discount. Additional purchases beyond package inclusions will be billed.

Copyright and Reproduction

  • Copyright Law: Reproducing photographs or digital files without permission is illegal. Digital negatives purchased are for personal use; other reproductions must go through our studio.


  • Confidentiality: All information from intake forms is kept private and not shared with third parties.

Overall Agreement

  • This contract represents our full understanding. Any changes must be in writing and signed by both parties.